Thursday 15 October 2015

Guys, Make your self free tomorrow.. Because Ajit is offering his His Life style card for shopping :)

If planets aren’t your thing (wait, what? who are you?). You live on one of those right

From October 20 to 22, you can view the incredible Orionids Meteor Shower. The shower will occur throughout October, but on the night of October 21 and the morning of October 22, it will hit its peak, often delivering around 20 meteors per hour. It’s made up of the dust trails left behind by comet Halley.
During the week of October 22 to 29, Venus will join the party, and the three planets (Jupiter, Mars and  Venus) will align, with just 5 degrees between them, same as it happened on 30 June 2015. That’s a big deal, because the next planetary trio won’t occur again until January 2021,
Jupiter, Mars, and Venus will be closest together early in the morning on October 26, with Jupiter having such a close encounter with Venus, they’ll form what’s known as a 'double planet' (double star is the actual term) for about 3 hours. "Another grouping of three planets won’t happen again until 10 January 2021,"
If that’s not enough to get you up in the (very early) morning, perhaps the opportunity to catch a glimpse of Mercury will be. 
Mercury rises before the Sun all of this month and is surprisingly easy to see from now through Halloween, All you have to do is just look well below and to the left of our three other morning planets and above the eastern horizon during morning twilight, from about 30 to 45 minutes before sunrise for a bright yellowish-orange 'star'."
October 16 is set to be the best morning for Mercury viewing for this entire year, with its position relative to the Sun - about 18-degrees to the east of it - causing the light reflected off its surface to increase dramatically over the next couple of days, making it easy to see with the naked eye. And if you miss that one, on October 30, Mercury will be brighter than any star in the sky, except the brightest of them all, Sirius.  
(: Clear Skies :)

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Lets Rock.. :)
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